Today’s route started off with the remaining 20+ miles of the Centennial Trail which was much appreciated. You could say the first half of the ride was uneventful, just the way we like it. A few miles before the trail ended we stopped for lunch (delivered by super mom), a chair transfer, and most importantly the addition of Denise.
My friend Denise rode a few miles with us which we all enjoyed. Even though Denise’s time with us on the road was short, she would join us later at the breweries. Yes, brewerieS.
Before we could get to the breweries we had about fifteen miles of road to navigate. The road varied from poor with no shoulder to excellent with a shoulder resembling the multi-use trail we started the day with. Regardless of the road we were on we all felt the drivers were very courteous and patient.
The highlight of the day were the two breweries we visited after the riding was done. We first visited Triple Horn Brewery with a great atmosphere and some fantastic shirts for my Joshs, compliment of the brewery. While at the brewery Denise rejoined us for the festivities. Also, Kayleigh King from Nelson Boyd Attorneys along with her family joined us. Kayleigh has been instrumental in our blogging and social media efforts. Kayleigh and her entire family were a delight to meet and spend time with.
As luck would have it Dirty Bucket Brewery was within rolling distance from Triple Horn. Was this really a lucky coincidence, or are we just really good at planning? Triple Horn offered a refreshingly subtle porter in a lively and roomy atmosphere, while the Dirty Bucket was a small, quaint brewery with a delicious coffee oatmeal stout. The owner was extremely generous and picked up our tab and provided two shirts for the crew. Just another illustration of how everyone we meet has been extremely supportive of our journey.