Port Angeles to Portland
I wanted to share my route with you all in hopes of getting some feedback on each of these proposed sections of my ride. I am not real familiar with many of these sections so please e-mail me if you have suggestions on ways to better my trek to Portland. If I'm able to follow this proposed schedule I'll reach my destination three days ahead of schedule. So if you have an alternative route that adds a day or two but is safer or more scenic I'd love to hear about it. I have some specific questions I'll address after the day by day breakdown of the ride.
Okay, onto some questions.
I am concerned about my route through Seattle. I got some valuable advice from Aaron Taht suggesting I take the Fremont bridge, Ship Canal trail to Myrtle Edwards to the downtown waterfront. This brings me a little further west but does look to be the safer option. I'd love some feedback on Aaron's suggestion and the best way to get from the waterfront back to the STP.
I've also heard the STP route through Puyallup is kind of nasty. I'd love to hear thoughts concerning this section. There's probably a much better way through that I'm unaware of.
The STP, and my proposed route, go through Fort Lewis. From what I've heard, I won't be able to go through that way. Is this true? If so, any suggestions on alternatives here?
Finally, the STP crosses the Columbia River using the Lewis and Clark Bridge. It doesn't look like this bridge would be all that wheelchair friendly. With this in mind, I rerouted away from the STP down the 5 so as to cross the Columbia on the 205. Is this a good plan? Perhaps the Lewis and Clark bridge isn't so bad. I just don't know. I could use some advice on the best way to enter Oregon.
I appreciate the help in the route planning. I'd like to thank Matt Hixson for his help getting me from Anacortes to Arlington. I initially had a sketchy plan and he got me on a much safer option. I feel like it's finally coming together but it sure helps having people familiar with the area to offer their expertise. Please e-mail me with any and all suggestions.